
How to deal with SI pain during pregnancy

How to deal with SI pain during pregnancy

  I barely had any pregnancy symptoms first time round. It was only in the last few weeks with Eamon...

Why choose a Blessingway over a baby shower

Why choose a Blessingway over a baby shower

With my first pregnancy I had the ‘traditional’ baby shower.  (Actually I had two – one with my family on...

Being a mother is enough.

Being a mother is enough.

Being a mother is enough. I really have to remind myself of this regularly. And no I don’t mean that in...

Labour and Birth. Round 2.

Labour and Birth. Round 2.

* Today’s post follows on from Friday’s somewhat.  It still makes me angry, but with only 3 weeks left, I’m...

Why we need to let go of past birth experiences.

  Let me start by saying I’m mostly writing this for me. Though for those of you who have been...

Why I’m afraid of ultrasounds.

I think I go into pregnancy mostly as a realist. Though I’m not sure that’s a common (or normal) thing...

5 things to say to a pregnant woman instead of ‘Wow you’re huge!’

5 things to say to a pregnant woman instead of ‘Wow you’re huge!’

In the space of ½ an hour the other day I had no less than 5 comments made about my...

Body image and babies

Body image and babies

It’s funny. I always thought my body image would be worse after having a baby and yet I ended up...

Pregnancy Round Two. How it’s different.

Pregnancy Round Two. How it’s different.

Lots of people told me it would be totally different second time round and I sort of just nodded and...

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