
Does feeling hopeful about a pregnancy make a loss more painful?

Does feeling hopeful about a pregnancy make a loss more painful?

I often get asked whether letting yourself feel hopeful about a pregnancy makes a loss more painful? Or whether feeling...

Why did my baby die?

Why did my baby die?

If you’re asking yourself ‘why did my baby die?’, whether by miscarriage or stillbirth – then I need you to...

New Mum gifts – what do they really need?

New Mum gifts – what do they really need?

New Mum gifts can be tricky. Do you buy something for the baby (who probably already has three of everything...

I’m afraid I will never fall pregnant – help?!

I’m afraid I will never fall pregnant – help?!

I commonly hear these statements from women. “I’m afraid I will never fall pregnant”. “I’m afraid this will never happen...

What to do when you’re feeling anxious after having your baby

What to do when you’re feeling anxious after having your baby

Feeling anxious after having your baby is very normal. In fact, it makes sense that a certain level of anxiety...

Witnessing frustration in motherhood, in life.

Witnessing frustration in motherhood, in life.

This week I’ve been witnessing my own frustration in motherhood. In life in general really. At any given time there...

Is it time for a break from trying to conceive?

Is it time for a break from trying to conceive?

Is it time for you to take a break from trying to conceive? Okay… so… now what? And how do...

5 practises you can do to prepare yourself for birth

5 practises you can do to prepare yourself for birth

Don’t be like me when I was pregnant with my first. Don’t pretend birth isn’t going to happen – prepare...

January (2021) was a whirl wind / what’s in store for February

January (2021) was a whirl wind / what’s in store for February

Where did January (2021) go? This month has been that delightful mix of ‘blink-and-you’ll-miss-it’ but also painfully slow. That strange...

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