I’m afraid I will never fall pregnant – help?!
I commonly hear these statements from women. “I’m afraid I will never fall pregnant”. “I’m afraid this will never happen for us and I’m just wasting our time”.
I remember feeling this way myself after our three losses. I was so afraid that I would never hold a newborn baby of my own in my arms again.
Over on instagram I asked for women who would like their own specifically designed yoga class in return for sharing their story and I was overwhelmed with the responses.
So today I’m sharing the first in the series. This class was created for Alyssa but perhaps after reading her story you hear some of your own in it as well.

“My husband and I have been trying to conceive since August of 2019. I knew there was a strong possibility that it would take some time since I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2018, however I didn’t think that we would still be trying for our first almost two years later.
It wasn’t until we hit the one-year mark of trying that it started to take a toll on my emotional wellbeing and mental health. Sex between my husband and I became less fun and just felt like a chore. My anxiety started spiralling out of control. I became depressed and was having severe daily panic attacks. I was “officially” diagnosed with infertility and referred to a reproductive endocrinologist in October of 2020.
Instead of making an appointment with the RE, I decided to schedule a consult with a surgeon who specialises in the removal of endometriosis. After going through several fertility tests and my husband completing a semen analysis that came back normal, I felt fairly confident that my endometriosis was what was preventing us from conceiving. January 22nd 2021 I had a second surgery to remove endometriosis. It was found on both my ovaries and on my uterus. I also had cysts on both ovaries and was diagnosed with adenomyosis which directly affects the uterus.
I have been working with a therapist to get my anxiety under control, and while I am still struggling, it is slowly getting better. I’ve spent the last 8 weeks recovering from surgery and my husband and I are about to being trying again. It is stressful and scary and I have this overwhelming fear that I will never fall pregnant. However I am trying to stay hopeful and calm, and yoga definitely helps me with that.
The class that I created for Alyssa focuses on poses that help to balance the hormonal system, reduce stress and we also sit with and witness the emotions of the thought – “I am afraid I will never fall pregnant”
If you’d like to request a class for your particular situation please contact me via email sharing your story and what you need help with the most.
If you’re brand new to fertility yoga, you might also like to download my free guide here.