Is online pregnancy yoga teacher training right for me?
If you’ve been considering completing your online pregnancy yoga teacher training but still have some questions, I’m answering the most common questions I’ve been getting in this video. Watch the video at the end of this post or read on for the answers.

How do I know if this online pregnancy yoga teacher training is right for me?
A lot of the women who complete this teacher training talk about feeling ‘called to this work’ for one reason or another. I know this was certainly the case for me. Some women feel this before they have children on their own, others have an experience of yoga throughout their own pregnancy and postpartum and feel called to share this with others.
I really struggled in pregnancy and postpartum. Do you think this means I can’t teach in this space?
Definitely not – the opposite in fact. I personally found my experience of pregnancy and postpartum hard, especially with my first. Afterwards I felt like a completely different person and I didn’t feel the same way about the work I was doing before becoming a mother. If you’ve struggled with an aspect of pregnancy and postpartum you will able to share your experience with your students and help them so much more. If anything your struggles will make you a better teacher.
Can you actually make money teaching pregnancy yoga?
Yes! In fact I now make a full time income from my yoga teaching, which is a mixture of in-person classes, workshops and online teaching.
To give you a bit of an insight I’ve listed some of the ways you can make money teaching pregnancy yoga and approximate amounts (this will vary depending on your location).
Scheduled studio classes – $50 – $100
Workshops – 50 – 70% of takings (depends on how many people sign up but can be more than $300 for a couple of hours work)
Self-managed class (teach in a studio, local hall, etc) – $25 x 10 students = $250
Private session – $70 – $150
Then of course there are other options like teaching online or opening your own studio where your earning potential is a lot greater. These business practicalities is a topic I cover in this teacher training because I know what it’s like to be a new teacher and feel unsure where to start. I’m also offering graduates of my teacher training the opportunity to apply to teach in my online yoga circle (my membership site) where you can start earning an upfront payment for the classes you share and also an ongoing passive income from members who sign up for your classes.
English is not my first language. Do you think I’ll still be able to complete the course?
Unfortunately I can’t really answer this one for you. It will be a personal judgement depending on how confident you feel. I can tell you that my pregnancy yoga teacher training course is delivered via video lectures, the written manual, images and activities and live Q & A sessions, so hopefully with this mix of learning styles you’ll be able to find a way that works for you.
I’m not a yoga teacher. Does that matter?
No, this course is open to anyone interested in learning more about yoga for pregnancy and the postpartum period. I’ve previously had doulas, Mums, midwives and physiotherapists who’ve enrolled. However this yoga course does not qualify you to teach yoga on it’s own. Not in Australia anyway. You’ll need to check the requirements for where you are. This pregnancy teacher training is offered as a post graduate specialisation.
I’m not very technical. How do I complete this course all online?
As long as you can log in to a service like Netflix and understand how to chat in a facebook group you have all the technical skills you need to complete this course.
I’m worried about the cost. I’m at home with my baby on maternity leave and I’d like to do this but I’m not sure how long it will be until I can teach. Do you think I should still do this course?
I completely respect where you are at. I’ve personally completed most of my education in this area during nap time while on maternity leave so I understand how hard it can be to justify when you’re on one income. I can tell you that this type of teaching is very suited to working around your family. It’s meant I’ve been able to go back to work after each of my babies in a very part time fashion without needing to worry about daycares or pumping while breastfeeding With that being said, if now is not the right time for you, there will always be another opportunity. Make the decision that feels right for you.
Want to learn more about teaching pregnancy yoga before you commit? Download my free basics guide here. If you’re after more information on this pregnancy and postpartum teacher training or you’re ready to join us you can do so here.