Don’t lose hope – a message for those of you struggling with infertility.
This post is for you if you’ve been trying to conceive for a really long time.
If you’ve got fertility issues that you know about.
If you’ve been diagnosed with unexplained fertility.
This post is for you if you’re going through IVF.
Or if your last round just failed.
Or if you’ve recently lost a baby.
Whatever your journey has been so far, if you are starting to feel like this is never going to happen for you – this post is for you.

If everyone seems to be falling pregnant without even trying.
If you’re looking around and starting to doubt if you’re ever going to have a baby of your own.
I want to say to you.
Don’t lose hope.
I know what it feels like to question whether this isn’t ever going to happen for you.
I know that sick feeling in your belly at the thought of never being able to have your baby.
I know what it feels like to not admit how you’re feeling even to yourself.
But I want to tell you.
Either way the time between now and your baby is going to pass.
You can either spend it thinking that you’ll never have your baby. Sad. Depressed. Scared. Worried. Anxious.
Or you can be excited. Happy. Hopeful.
Find joy in your life anyway.
Find fun in your life anyway.
Focus on the love in your life anyway.
Yes it’s hard to stay in the positive at times.
The negative seems a more logical place to fall.
But the effort is worth it to enjoy this time now.
Don’t wish it away.
Put your energy into imagining the baby you’re creating instead.
If you’re looking for practices and tools to stay hopeful while you’re in this season of waiting. I’ve included everything I used in my online fertility yoga course. Check it out here.
Or if you’d like to learn more about my story; from three losses to our healthy baby boy – read my book Watering the flowers. (If you’re not in Australia it can be found on Amazon).