The best 5 fertility yoga classes on Youtube (other than mine!)
Have you been wondering which fertility yoga classes on Youtube to follow? If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by all the choices and how to choose which one is best for you – I’ve created this list of my favourite fertility yoga classes to help you decide.
Of course, I hope that my classes and channel are among your favourites, but I also love practising with different teachers depending on my mood. If you too would like some different options – I hope that this helps article you to choose one that’s right for you.
Before we get into the list, make sure you add my fertility yoga playlist to your favourites. If you can’t find the class you’re looking for you can always request a class in my Online Yoga Circle where you’ll find all my premium yoga classes.

My favourite fertility yoga classes on YouTube
Live Fertile
Live Fertile is run by Kendra Tolbert; a women’s health registered dietitian, registered yoga teacher, and certified aromatherapist. Her channel has yoga videos for PCOS, fertility, women’s health, and fertility self-care info.
Kendra uses voice over rather than talking you through the class in real time. I love how this creates such a relaxing mood. Her classes have a beautiful pacing, you’ll never feel hurried to keep up. She explains the poses clearly without over-talking (something I find myself doing at times!) I love how much space there is during her classes for my own thoughts.
Brett Larkin Yoga
Brett Larkin’s channel isn’t purely focused on fertility, though she has a few fertility yoga classes that are hugely popular. Brett shares that her “goal is to make this deeply powerful practice accessible, fun, and transformative to everyone” and she certainly does that. The filming style of Brett’s classes is unique in that she obviously has someone filming her classes for her. This means you’ll get close ups on certain body parts and the camera isn’t still during the whole practise. I feel this helps to make you feel like you are right there with her.
Breathe with Lauren
Lauren is a doula, yoga teacher, and mother of two, with a background in neuroscience and education. Her Youtube channel is small but hugely underrated in my opinion. I love this class where Lauren focuses on feeling joy in the body – something that can be really hard to do when you’re struggling with infertility. This class that focuses on turning fear into faith is another one of favourites. Feeling hope when you’re struggling to conceive is so hard and something we need more talk about.
Women in balance yoga
Another smaller channel, Women in balance has some great fertility yoga classes. Nikola is 200hr certified yoga teacher and has trained in the Fertility Awareness Method. Like my own work Nikola’s classes are designed around the different stages of the cycle and she talks about making small changes – not trying to change everything at once. I also love that she offers fertility classes for men. I often get requests for classes for men but I haven’t yet managed to talk my husband into filming on with me!
Julie Ela Grace
Julie Ela Grace is a yoga teacher, writer and artist based in Oxfordshire, England. I love how joyful Julie is in her videos and how she gives you a little look into her life in the introductions of her videos. One of my favourite fertility yoga classes of hers is the partner stretch below. It is such a beautiful practise to share with your partner when you’re on a fertility journey.
I hope this list of classes gets you on your yoga mat today. If you’d like to practise with me you can find all my free fertility yoga classes on my Youtube Channel here.