Gratitude Yoga (to get you out of a bad mood)
This gratitude yoga practice came about because it’s exactly what I needed recently to get me out of a bad mood.
The last few days I’ve been in the foulest mood.
Nothing dramatic happened to cause it. There was no event or apparent trigger for my mood. I just found myself feeling blah – completely over everything and everyone (I’m not sure you’re meant to admit that part).
I didn’t even want to do my beloved yoga. The thought of unrolling my mat made me feel sick. (Ok.. perhaps a tad dramatic. Made me want to take a sleep anyway).
Long story short, after I grumped my way around the house for a couple of days, I eventually DID unroll my mat and focused on gratitude while I practiced. At first I really didn’t want to and had to literally force myself to do it. But after a few minutes I started to find my breath again and my mood started to lift.
How does gratitude yoga help you out of a bad mood?
+ it helps you focus on the good things in your life rather than lamenting on the bad (which is what we tend to do when we’re feeling grumpy)
+ it can help to inspire us to do more of the good stuff (often when we’re in a bad mood it’s because we’ve forgotten – or have been too busy – to do all the things we love to do.)
+ moving the body helps to shake out those negative emotions
+ breathing deeply lowers the stress hormones in the body which are often rampant when we’re feeling crappy
+ movement helps to release good hormones that help you to feel energised again (and more likely to do stuff that makes you feel good!)
Have I got you convinced yet? If you’re still grumping around the house too, feel free to keep going… or try this gratitude yoga practice and see if it helps you to get out of your bad mood. (This practice is suitable for pregnancy – because obviously I am – though it’s not specific to pregnancy and can be practiced by anyone).
Hi Bettina, not sure how to contact you but I just purchased the fertility yoga through each menstrual cycle phase and then was redirected to an error page, but I was definitely charged. Also, do not have a confirmation email. Can you help me out here? Thank you! AP