Stop struggling through the holidays with young kids (5 tips to actually enjoy them)
Holidays with young kids can be tricky. Whether you’re still working around nap schedules or trying to keep different age...
Hey there, I’m Bettina. I’m a yoga teacher and a Mama to 3 young boys. Yep, life in my house is as hectic as you’re imagining and yoga is definitely my #superpower for these looonnng days and nights (which is probably why I’m so hell-bent on sharing it here.)
For the last ten years yoga has been THE thing that I’ve turned to when things are tough. Losing 3 babies in 12 months. Coping with birth trauma. Trying to conceive. Post-baby recovery. Preparing for birth. A rocky relationship. Feeling lost in motherhood. All of it. (Want to read the full long version of this story? I’ve shared it here.)
It’s not just about the physical practice on the mat (although that’s bloody good too), it’s about what you learn about yourself (and your life) while you’re there.
If you’re looking to get started with yoga, I’ve got some free guides for you below. Just click the one that applies to you. I hope I get to practice with you real soon. X
Yoga classes and community for all stages of motherhood – fertility, pregnancy, birth, early recovery, healing & loss and solo Mama time. Join us today.
Holidays with young kids can be tricky. Whether you’re still working around nap schedules or trying to keep different age...
Learning how to help your anxious child is tricky. Helping your child, when you ALSO experience anxiety can be super...
Similar to the standing version of this pose, Seated Wide Legged Forward Fold stretches the back of the legs (which...
Teaching yoga to kids has become a BIG industry. There are hundreds of children’s yoga teacher trainings, kids’ yoga workshops...
Copyright 2024 Bettina Rae