The importance of community in Motherhood.


I remember when I first became a mother, feeling like I had no clue what I was doing and wondering whether I was fooling anyone?!


Actually, I specifically remember walking (ok, shuffling) out of the hospital with a 4 day old Eamon in the capsule, feeling a little strange that they were just going to let us out with this little person.  Really?! Couldn’t they see we had no clue?


And yet, eventually we found our way and so far, so good, he’s turned out ok.  Actually no dammit. He’s turned out pretty bloody awesome.


But even now that he’s a not so tiny helpless infant I constantly question whether I’m doing this mothering thing right. Am I too tough? Too easy? Should he be sleeping in his own bed? Should he be sleeping through by now? (No really, I mean shouldn’t he?!)


And then there are the things about Motherhood that we feel like we shouldn’t voice.  Like the fact that we really don’t care for drawing another garbage truck for the elevety-billionth time today.  Or that whilst we will vehemently fight for our right to stay home with our children, some days, we are secretly counting down the hours until bedtime.


And that is why we need community.  Some call it their village, others refer to their ‘tribe’; whichever name you choose, community has saved me many times as a Mother.


Being surrounded by other Mothers who understand the contradictions, the frustrations, the emotions, the joy and and challenges, makes the journey so much easier.  It’s so important to have someone you can call on when you need reassurance and when you just need to have a big vent about your kids/partner/family/house/etc…


Sometimes it’s just a text. Other times a phone call punctuated by regular requests for food and demands of “don’t touch that’ and ‘get down’. Or if you’re really lucky a catch up for luke-warm coffee and attempting to stop the kids eating all the sugar packets on the table.


If I can have one complaint about my community of Mama’s, it’s that we never get enough time to  connect.  There is never uninterrupted time to just chat about the important things, and all the irrelevant things that make you feel better just for having discussed them.


So it’s here that I’d like to introduce you to a little project that  Caitlin and I have been dreaming up.  The Kindred Collective.  A community of Mothers, for Mothers.   A place (both physical and virtual) to connect with like-minded Mothers.   Somewhere we can share the challenges and the joys, as well as the journey to discover ourselves as Mothers and as women.


The Kindred Collective will be an online space (coming very soon) and will also involve physical events (workshops and retreats), because we believe nothing beats face-to-face connection. (And really, what else are we doing on a Friday night?!)


Our first circle will be held in Brisbane on the 4th July, for Mother’s-to-be.  More than anything, we would appreciate your support.  Afterall, we’re all in this together. x


For more information you can visit our Facebook Page, contact us via email ( or purchase tickets here.



2 Responses to “The importance of community in Motherhood.

  • Hooray!

    Do you know C went home from hospital in that same onesie and a similar too big hat…adorable new born memories!
    And yes…I had NO idea what I was doing! I still don’t really know but at least now I have a lot more confidence!

      11 years ago

      I can’t even imagine a baby that small now? I’m too used to the rough and tumble of a toddler!

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