Yet another Christmas without your baby
Yet another Christmas without your baby can be one of the hardest things to deal with when you’re struggling with infertility. Instead of feeling happy and festive, this season might just be yet another reminder that a year has passed and still no baby.
I know how hard this is. We’ve had two Christmas’ now since our losses* and each one has brought up feelings of sadness, anxiety and especially that first one – a touch of desperation that we would never have the family we imagined.
How to deal with yet another Christmas without your baby
Today I wanted to share with you a yoga class designed to simply allow you to sit in some of the sadness (or any other emotions) you might be feeling this Christmas.
It can be so tempting to run from those feelings and want to cram your holidays with a million things to do so that you don’t have to feel any of it. But I honestly believe that ‘feeling it’ is such an important part of working your way through it.
It’s my hope that this class gives you that space. I’m here. Sending you all my love – and hope – if you’re struggling to find yours this Christmas season.
*New around here and want to about our fertility story? Watch here.
Want to know more about practicing fertility yoga? Download my free kickstart guide here.
Other resources you might find helpful.
28 Day Fertility Yoga Course
You’ll receive four yoga classes designed around the phases of your cycle. (see below for more info)
Week 1. How to stop the obsession and enjoy life again.
Week 2. Work with your cycle for ultimate balance.
Week 3. Dealing with difficult emotions, anxiety and disappointment.
Week 4. Changing beliefs and mindset.
4 Part Fertility Yoga Class Series
You’ll receive four yoga classes designed around the phases of your cycle.
Menstruation (Winter Phase) – dealing with disappointment of not being pregnant & clearing the old cycle physically and energetically.
Pre-ovulation (Spring Phase) – preparing the body and mind for pregnancy. We focus particularly on poses that open and enhance the oxygen to the reproductive organs.
Ovulation (Summer Phase) – supporting the body to conceive and visualising pregnancy.
Pre-menstrual (Autumn Phase) – handling the stress of the dreaded two week wait and focusing on a positive mindset.
[…] year I shared a meditation for those you still in the waiting, but this year I wanted to create a yoga class for […]