Fertility meditation – how they work & a free one for you
I never imagined I would need a fertility meditation or even that they would work so well. But then, I never imagined I would lose three babies either, so there’s that.
It wasn’t until we took a break from trying to conceive and I was able to come down from the anxiety that I was suffering, and see the bigger picture that I started to look into how fertility meditation and visualisation can help.

How I practiced fertility meditation
I started small. (Because I knew if I set my goal too high I’d fail on the first day).
I aimed for just ten minutes each morning. (Some days it didn’t happen at all).
I would sit and breathe for five minutes or I’d do a guided meditation on the Insight Timer App.
Then I’d sit and do a visualisation for five minutes.
At first, I just imagined my body as healthy. (I felt broken for a long time after my 3rd loss).
When I was ready I visualised my womb as inviting and warm.
Eventually my visualisation became focused on my baby growing and birthing him. (This helped to flood my body with those excited happy feelings aka hormones).
I’d always set a timer on my phone so I didn’t have to constantly check.
Some days the time flew. Other days it dragged.
But spending ten minutes each morning before the rest of house rose, helped me to feel positive and hopeful about conceiving, rather than stressed out and anxious.
I know my body felt these changes too.
I was more relaxed.
My cycle stopped being irregular and unpredictable.
I just felt happier.
How fertility meditation helps
Manage the stress of trying to conceive
Anyone who has struggled with infertility knows it’s stressful. And no one in the history of mankind has ever been able to ‘just relax’ by being told to ‘just relax’. #fact.
Fertility meditation is a practical thing you can actually add to your day to help manage stress and put you in a better mindset to conceive.
Focus on a positive future
It can be easy to lose hope when your TTC journey is not going well. A fertility meditation that includes visualisation can help you to stay positive and hopeful regardless of the challenges that get thrown at you.
A bonus side effect of being in a positive frame of mind is that it usually helps you make better choices overall that affect your fertility. (Because let’s not pretend anyone is reaching for kale when they’re stressed, am I right?)
Balance hormones
If there’s one thing that sends hormones whacko, it’s stress. Even just ten minutes of meditation each day is going to help you reduce that cortisol and adrenaline that pumps through the body when you’re stressed. Less stress hormone means your body is able to balance the hormones of reproduction. So it’s a win, win really.
So have I convinced you to give fertility meditation a try yet? I hope so. You honestly have nothing to lose, so why not?
This guided Yoga Nidra below is a great place to start. There’s not even any sitting required. Get comfortable, give it a go and let me know what you think.
Want to practice fertility yoga with me? Start by downloading my free guide here.
Or check out my fertility yoga course for all the resources you’ll need to overcome stress, re-balance your hormones and get yourself in a positive mindset to conceive your baby.
Hi Bettina,
Thanks for the Yoga Nidra practice. It did calm me down. But could you give cues as to how to visualize that your body is strong when it is in pain?
Hi Rashmi, I’m glad you enjoyed this. I would love to make this for you. Can you explain more about your pain. Where in your body it is and how it feels? Feel free to email me if you prefer.x