Can I do yoga after ovulation?
Will yoga after ovulation negatively affect your chances of falling pregnant?
Hell no!
In fact, the right fertility type of yoga after ovulation will increase your chances of falling pregnant because it will help you to de-stress, increase circulation to the reproductive organs and just take better overall care of yourself.

What type of yoga should I practice after ovulation?
I’ve written another blog post on yoga for the two week wait but I want to dive a little deeper into this post and give you some more information on the why behind these points and also the how it might apply to you (because everyone is so different.)
Yoga after ovulation should be gentle and nurturing.
Yoga during the two week wait shouldn’t be physically challenging or push the body in any way.* If you’re practicing yoga in a regular class (rather than one that specialises in fertility) come to child’s pose and rest whenever you feel that you get too hot or that you are struggling to catch your breath.
*I want to add a side note to this point. Everyone’s ‘challenge point’ is different. If you’ve been running marathons or power-lifting prior to trying to conceive, a strong yoga class might actually be your version of gentle and nurturing.
Whereas if you’ve been doing no movement prior to TTC, a power flow class might be too challenging. Only you can define what feels gentle and nurturing to you at this time. You shouldn’t be afraid to move when you’re trying to conceive. Instead, I really want to encourage you to tune in to how your body feels when you move. If you feel good – keep going!
Yoga after ovulation should help reduce your stress of the TWW
Anyone who has struggled to conceive knows that the two week wait is often a time riddled with anxiety, stress and just general TTC obsessive mania (checking every symptom five times a day, spending way too much money on test sticks, googling every possible twinge, etc.)
This is a really great time to lean on your yoga practice for its stress-relieving benefits. And remember, yoga isn’t just about the physical practice.
You might prefer to practice meditation at this time of your cycle if you find that helps to better relieve stress.
Or perhaps you lean into the other limbs of yoga at this time. Like pranayama (breath work) to help ease anxiety.
Or even pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses) and use these two weeks to really turn inward and direct your attention towards growing your baby.
My most important message to you when it comes to yoga after ovulation (heck, yoga at any time really), is that it should encourage you to turn inward and ask ‘Do I feel like practicing yoga today?’ ‘Is a yoga practice what I need today?‘ ‘Will it make me feel better, or worse?‘
The answers to those questions – they’re the best ones you’re going to get.
If you’re brand new to fertility yoga and would like to start practicing with me – start by downloading my free fertility yoga guide.
Or get started with some classes designed especially for after ovulation below.
I have been practising yoga for almost 2 years. I do enjoy the cardio and building strength from the poses. Also the satisfaction it gave me when I try for new challenging poses like arm balances or invertion. Should I keep on doing this after ovulation? I am always torn to keep it gentle during the tww, but I dont feel satisfied with the exercise if its only restorative all the time.
It’s a tricky question. I understand this desire to do more. As you’re obviously a regular yogi I would ask you to apply svadhyaha (self-study) to this. What drives you to need to feel challenged in your yoga asana at this time? Is it ego or a genuine desire for expansion? Could you challenge yourself in other areas at this time instead? Meditation etc? From a fertility perspective, does this type of practice make you feel energised or depleted? For some, this type of exercise IS being gentle whereas for others they are literally burning out with power flow. Only you can know what is true for you. I do however advocate for a cyclical approach to movement. One that ebbs and flows with your energy levels throughout your cycle. Hope this is helpful.