5 ways to ease pregnancy headaches
Pregnancy headaches are a common side effect of the changing hormone levels that pregnancy brings. You should always see your doctor for pregnancy concerns, however these 5 tips can also help ease the pain of persistent head aches.
What causes headaches during pregnancy?
Along with changing hormone levels there are a number of other causes of headaches during pregnancy including:
- not drinking enough water
- lack of sleep / pregnancy insomnia
- stress / pregnancy anxiety
- caffeine withdrawal / too much caffeine
- poor posture
- low blood pressure

5 ways to ease pregnancy headaches
Sleep / Rest more
I know it can be tempting to try and get everything done before baby arrives, but you really do need to rest a lot more when you’re pregnant. Your body is doing SO much. It’s literally making an entire human from scratch. If that doesn’t deserve a nap – I don’t know what does!
Yoga / Move more
Yoga, walking, swimming and other forms of gentle exercise can help to shift tension in your body that might be the cause of your headaches. In particular, tension in the neck and shoulders are often the cause. I created this yoga class below specifically for pregnancy headaches. Give it a try when you feel that dull ache coming on.
Gentle yoga poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques can help alleviate tension, reduce stress, and improve blood flow which helps to relieve headaches. Yoga postures that focus on stretching and opening the neck, shoulders, and upper back can help to reduce the intensity of your headaches. Mindfulness and meditation can also help manage stress and improve overall mental and emotional well-being, further reducing the frequency and intensity of your pregnancy headaches.
If you’ve never done pregnancy yoga before you might like to start by downloading my free pregnancy yoga guide here.
Pregnancy massage
Massage during pregnancy not only feels amazing for your aching body, it also helps to relieve headaches as well. Just make sure that you choose a therapist who specialises in the pregnant body and make sure that you drink lots of water before and after your massage.
Visit a Chiropractor or Osteopath
Your pregnancy headaches might be caused by misaligned posture which changes as your belly grows. A chiropractor or osteopath can help to realign your body and relieve the pain.
Have a glass of water
It’s easy to underestimate how much water you need to drink when you’re pregnant. (Especially when frequent trips to the bathroom might make drinking water less appealing). But you really are drinking water for two! Your blood volume increases significantly when you’re pregnant and drinking water helps to also form amniotic fluid, help digestion, flush toxins and carry nutrients. Your headaches might be a sign from your body that you’re not drinking enough. Drink up!
Are you getting headaches during pregnancy? What have you found helps to ease them?