3 months postpartum update and 3 month old baby
How am I 3 months postpartum already? How do I have a 3 month old baby already? Time is a complete warp when you have a baby isn’t it?
It’s funny, when I was pregnant I had allllll of these ideas for allllll the things I would do once Luca was born. You know, how you imagine yourself doing all of the things with your sleeping babe.
And then the baby actually arrives (and doesn’t sleep) and somehow time vanishes down a hole of making sure everyone is fed, dressed and trying to get the baby to nap.
I swear, some days that’s all I achieve. Actually some days we don’t really even achieve the ‘dressed’ part. #justbeinghonest
I think… actually I know I underestimated how busy 3 would be. But then I think I’ve underestimated the change that each of my children would bring, so… at least I’m consistent.
So I’m sharing a 3 month update today. I’m still loving on video lately – so it’s a vlog. If you’re enjoying the videos let me know in the comments.