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You’ve tried every fad diet and exercise program that’s come along.  Perhaps you’ve signed up to a whole bunch of gyms and classes but you just can’t seem to find the motivation to stick with any.


Part of you wants to say – ‘stuff it – I’ve got young kids – I don’t have time for this.’  But the truth is – you’re just so damn tired. Physically of course but you’re sick of being emotionally tired as well.


You’re tired of feeling uncomfortable in your own body.


You’re probably starting to wonder if you’ll ever be able to lose the baby weight and stop that ache in your lower back that started during pregnancy and still hasn’t gone away.  Maybe you even feel a little bit disgusted in yourself for not being able to look after yourself better. For not having it all together like everyone else seems to be able to do.


You’re frustrated by how hard it is to make time for yourself now that you have kids, and even though you don’t like to admit it – you feel resentful that your partner just takes the time he needs without a second thought.


It feels like his life has continued on mostly unchanged whilst yours has been flipped upside down and it’s affecting your relationship.


I know. I hear you.  Because this was exactly me after I had my first son.   Hell – sometimes I still feel like this – when I forget to make time for me.


Before having kids I was building my career, we were renovating our first house and I was also completing my Masters. Aaaannnd I was teaching yoga and had the regular busy social life of a twenty-something.  To say that we were busy is an understatement.  Our son was very much wanted and planned, but we failed to plan for how having a baby would radically change the time we had together, our roles and the way we related to each other.  I failed to realise how much more self-care I’d need to practice to look after myself properly.


Suddenly I was home almost 24/7 with a little person who needed me every moment of the day – whilst (it seemed) that Andrew’s life continued on in mostly the same ways as before.


My life revolved entirely around this new little person, and his constant needs meant that mine were always pushed to the bottom of the pile.  I was eating poorly (mostly peanut butter sandwiches and other things you can grab one handed) and the only exercise I did was that stressful type of walking you do when you’re trying to get your screaming baby to sleep.


I wasn’t coping but I was determined not to admit it.  I should be able to do it all, shouldn’t I?


Gradually the resentment grew; mine for his inability to understand this new life that I both loved and felt trapped by in the same moment, and him for his happy-go-lucky wife who had disappeared and was replaced by someone who was often discontented, critical and confused about what she wanted. Eventually our relationship hit rock bottom and we ended up separating.


This was the wake up call I needed to realise that I had to sort myself out; looking after myself  was my responsibility and I had been failing. I had been too busy putting everything into my family that I had failed to see that this only created underlying resentment. I was feeling resentful and angry, but these feelings were built entirely on my own expectations – and I had never even voiced them!


How did I expect him to know what I needed when I never told him? (Or worse gave those passive aggressive subtle hints that help no one.) Finally I realised that I needed to take the time to look after myself physically, mentally and emotionally.  Reconnecting with my yoga practice, even when it was only 5 minutes some days is what helped me to feel comfortable in my post-baby body (and life) which ultimately  allowed us to find our way back to each other.


It wasn’t an overnight solution – and at times it is still a daily struggle to find the energy to put into myself and my practice, but it is always worth it when I do. Giving myself time to move and breathe gives me the space I need to see that although motherhood is most challenging  thing I will probably do in my life, it is one that I wouldn’t swap for the world.


It helps me feel grateful for the small things and stops me using unhealthy habits to fill the void.  (Sound familiar? Eating because you are hungry for something more than food; connection, inspiration, love?)


Eventually I realised I wanted to share this practice with other mothers, especially those who can’t access a physical yoga studio because of distance, finances or – let’s face it – CHILDREN!  And I guess you know the rest of the story from there if you’ve been following the blog for a while.


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What’s in the studio?

+ 24/7 access to a growing library of classes that will help you build strength and flexibility to feel comfortable in your post-baby body again.

+ membership in our private FB community where all of your questions will be answered by Bettina.

+ be the first to see when new classes are released and request what you’d like to see next.



What others are saying…


“Wow this is fantastic! Snackable and easy to follow vids means I can actually do a lot of these flows around life with a newborn. Thank you Bettina.” – Kate Crozier


“Love the studio! With a threenager and a five month old yoga classes at an actual place seem a lifetime ago. My husband is away three or four nights a week with work so having that virtual studio is a lifesaver!” Jodie Martin


“I highly recommend this online series of pregnancy yoga. It’s a beautiful flow, clear simple instructions, targeting all the areas necessary during pregnancy. Suitable for all all levels.” – Kristy Morrison




So now it’s time to make a decision.  Are you going to choose to continue on as you always have or do you want different results?  Is it time to change how you feel?


If you want to change the direction of your health, your relationship with yourself and your family – you’re going to have to do something different.  Because clearly not looking after yourself is not working.


Click the button below, fill out your details and you will have instant access to a library of classes that will help you to start making these positive changes in your life. And the best part – you can try it for 30 days completely free.